I think I am probably getting close to getting accused of only writing about the farm when it's something that interests me directly, like sheep or chickens, so I'd better do a crop update. The following are two pictures of our back fields (the ones behind the house and barns). The first picture is right around the time Mark was planting the first grains and working all the land.

The latest project on the farm has been building me a new pasture for my rams (who need to be separated from the rest of the ladies before they start trying to breed). This pasture runs out by the road and runs back to the old 'gem warehouse'. It's going to be really great and is pretty well complete as of tonite. Mark has a couple war wounds to show for it, but he did a great job (is that too blatant sucking up?).

OH! The other big excitement here is our new "farmhand". He's a neighbour from up the road who is too young to work anywhere else, but is willing to "do anything". He's a good worker and I think Mark enjoys having him around. His name is Bronson and he was saving up for a dirtbike, but after his first paycheck he must have had enough because it goes zooming up the road every day now. Let's hope he continues to work with the same zealousness now that his initial motivation is taken care of!

As far as the chickens go, Mark has been after me to correct myself on my last entry when I mentioned that we had some go off thier feet. Apparently they were just lazy for a couple days because they're all up and well now. We haven't lost any yet! (Insert another concerted knock on wood here again). They are at the exceptionally ugly stage now (see right), but growing like they should I guess. Once it dries up around here (hopefully very soon) we'll get them out in the chicken tractors in the pasture. We'll see how rugged they are then I guess.

Speaking of layers, the last photo of the day is of some eggs we collected a few days ago. The middle egg is the average size (still bigger than a store egg, but fairly normal sized). The other two are the other end of the spectrum, not very common here, but funny to happen on the same day. The big guy was a double yolker and the little one had no yolk at all. Maybe it was the same playing a 'yolk' on us that day. hahahahah!!!! Whew, with jokes that like that, it MUST be time to sign off...

Hope all is well in your corners of the world (and not as muggy as it was here today..ugh).
Hey Sally. Great post. Great to see the progress. Keep it up