Wednesday, February 16, 2011

UnFarm Related

Due to sub zero temperatures, many feet of snow and wee ones, pictures and stories of goings on from the farm are nil.  I do well to make it to the farm more than once a day, so remembering to bring a camera and take mental notes is nearly more than I can handle at this point.  SO, instead of inundating you with made up stories of what I THINK might be going on over there, I'll instead just inundate you with a selection of pictures of what I KNOW has been going on here.  I call this collection "On the homefront- Winter 2011".

 I love this picture for the look in their eyes.  Don't you wonder what each is thinking?
 I think this one is hilarious, because when I took it I didn't realize how prominent the hanging toys are in the foreground.  The hippo looks like it's terrified and trying to warn me of impending doom (or rather Thayne, more accurately), while the butterfly and looking away, averting its eyes from whatever is going on behind it.  Probably a good idea since this one of the many moments that Lucy is asserting herself as boss and hushing up Thayne by stogging the 'soozer' in his mouth.
 Bath time.  Fascinating for everyone.
 My favorite!
 This is actually a shot from our trip to West Branch.  This is my Dad showing Lucy how to snowshoe.
 Here's an example of two fine Canadian winter past-times.1) a man shoveling snow off a roof (in this case, it's the arbor out back, outside the bathroom window) and 2) watching a man shovelling snow. Better than TV! 
And speaking of TV, here's the older two teaching Thayne early, to enjoy the moments of TV, since they are a treat.  Note the silencer (soother) in place so as not to ruin the time of indulgence.

 The book box, apparently more comfortable than the couch and chair?
Isn't this a wise creature.



  1. I love the pictures, especially the book box. Look at Wilson in that picture. It looks like it is the first time ever seeing a book!!

  2. great pictures sal i too like the book box it reminds me of some old pictures from up home

  3. Thank you so much Sally. Your eye for picture taking is great and your comments with them are fantastic. Makes me feel like I am right there (and wish I was). MLM

  4. Ahhhh, absolutely love the pics; and likewise on the comments on Wilson in the box, it was a unanimous house favorite.

  5. I too liked the book box photo...but it was wash time in the kitchen sink that harkened me matter the decade: don't all 'washing ups'in the kitchen take on the same look?
    Thanks for posting pics of the kids Sal....And the arbor....YIKES...All that snow AND MARK??!!

  6. I miss those little cuties! Please kiss them for me! And hug them too!
    Don't complain about too much snow....You could be sitting 10inches from a fan scratching bug bites while your back hurts from yesterdays sun burn, like me!
    See u soon

  7. I can't believe that Wilson is a big brother already!
