Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Barnyardigans Grow Up and Get a Schedule


The closest we've ever come to a strict schedule around here is "No one works on Sunday (besides the mandatory livestock chores)".

But with planting season approaching and the feed mill busier than ever, we're testing the waters of a new scheduling system which is going to require a little more planning on the part of our customers. Any orders of feed being shipped directly to them, including retailers, should expect two delivery days per week. We have been, to now, shipping on demand, but to streamline things a bit for space and human resources, we're hoping that a regular schedule will help (and maybe even get us some better shipping quotes?).

As for folks who pick up at the farm, please note the daily shut down from noon-1. This is going to be a tough one, since it seems that many customers like to come at meal times, but if someone comes between those times, they may have to wait until 1. 

Behind the scenes of all this is a more scheduled feed mixing schedule as well. We're hopeful that Monday and Wednesday will be enough to complete the orders for the week. So for example, if you place an order on Wednesday night, it means that it won't be made until Monday morning and then shipped the next day, Tuesday. We recognize that this could pose some real challenges for folks who have gotten used to our on-demand service.  We will be flexible for the first few weeks, but are hopeful that we can all transition to this schedule in order to ease the pressures on everyone at this busy farm.

I hope that this does not create a difficult challenge for you, outside of a little added planning. Happier feed millers must make for better feed?!?

Thank you so much in advance for your understanding and willingness to give this a go. 

Mark & Sally

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Our Hideaway Homestead - Balcom Family Farm

Farmer Feature

I'm hoping to start a new series where we highlight a customer of ours and feature their farm and products on social media, but I wanted it to also exist in a larger, more permanent format, so to the blog we go!

If you're a superfan, you might have noticed that the photos of goats on our website recently got a major facelift from the stock photos we were using (not having any goats ourselves), to having the sweetest faces of some beautiful Nubian goats that look like they're part of the most bad-ass band cover shoot ever!

Those beauties spend their days in the beautiful area of Sundridge, NS, just outside Pictou.  Our Hideaway Homestead is the dream of the Balcom family who nourish themselves and their community with the harvest of their thoughtfully raised products. 

You can find their Facebook page under Our Hideaway Homestead Balcom Family Farm and their photos will make you dream of your own little piece of paradise in the country. With their kids, Cory and Michelle raise pastured pork, beef and chickens. Michelle is passionate about her beautiful goats and is a Registered Nubian Breeder (CAE and Johne's tested herd). You might be one of the lucky ones to be on their list for their consciously raised meats and eggs. Or maybe you're looking to get into goats and want to make sure you start with the best breeding stock, in which case, there is no better first stop than the Balcoms who have kids available each spring. 
If you're new to this sweet little farm and in the area, don't put off contacting them. Their products sell quickly and you'll miss it if you're not on the list!

If you needed another reason to love these hard working farmers, they recently won the $100 Barnyard Bucks contest that we held and opted to donate it back for us to provide a deserving family with... a surprise that will the topic of another blog. 

We're so pleased to count these folks as customers and we look forward to their updates and growth in the seasons to come!