Everything else is pretty quiet around here. We finished up our certification application paperwork so that is away, which is always a nice job to have taken care of. Mark and Wendell dug out the grain drill today while the frost is still in the ground to start tinkering with it. We're looking at some new nutrient sources this year and are considering some fish fertlizer as one option. I've always considered it a nutrient source for market gardeners or small scale operations but we've recently discovered some ways and products that seem like a good option for us to add some unique micronutrients and a good crop boost.
Thayne has given us a couple long nights this week and my foggy, dry contact lenses are telling me that I need some sleep, so I'll keep this short.
I'm concluding this one with some shots of our church being torn down. Summerside Presbyterian is building a new church and a big crowd came out to see the old being torn down. I have to admit it was pretty cool and I was really glad that we bundled up the kids to go in and see it. Wilson was pretty amazed by the big machines and Lucy loved the crash of the roof coming in.
Isn't this warmer weather great. Everyday I see new patches of bare ground...yipeee. I am already excited for the first sign of my tulips; although I am thinking that with our new puppy, the flower beds may never look the same!?!? Always love your news reports, keep them coming.