Many a blog reader has been asking me for an update on the fox situation. I have been saying that I keep waiting for an update to post, but alas I can wait no longer. Tonight while moving the chicken pens, Mark stumbled (literally) upon a fox carcass in the grass. We celebrated momentarily over the possibility that maybe he had actually injured one bad enough one night that it up and died right in the pasture. I hate to be a buzzkill, but I also noted the the grass was greener and lusher around it, and it was more mummified than rotted, suggesting that perhaps it was not Anyway, let's all pretend that it was the very one who wore herself out carrying 81 chickens away and simply could not escape the eagle eye skills of the great Bernard hunter himself. Yes. That must be it.
I also haven't been writing because the summer somehow seems busier than any other time of the year. And despite the weather, it is in fact summer. Old Home Week is next week and is always the Islander marker of the end of summer, so I guess we missed the hot part somewhere along the way.
Anyway, if I had to itemize what I've been doing in all the 'busy time', I'm not exactly sure what that list would look like, but I suspect that a blender would play a role somewhere along the way. And I only wish that included exciting, tasty blender drinks. Instead I've been making soooo much baby food for Thayne, the 6 month eating wonder, that I feel like 'puree' is my middle name. I don't remember feeling this overwhelmed with baby food with the other two, but I just can't keep up this time around.
So in the moments where I might otherwise be blogging on a quiet evening, I'm tearing up Freetown with blended carrots, squash, peas, sweet potatoes, beets, chicken, beans.
Here's the culprit. The newest Speerville convert.

I've also been doing a fair bit of summer 'relaxing', by which I mean, spending time with family. I think I've been 'across' more this summer than most and it's been great. I grabbed this shot of a sleepy Wilson on the way home from West Branch on one of our recent trips. As you can see, he was too tired to even eat his last mini oreo, care of Poohie. Not letting it out of his sleepy grasp though. Funny, we all sort of feel that way after a good weekend away. :)
And, just hosted another good Wilson Weekend here and am starting to get caught up on sleep. I love seeing my nieces and nephews carrying it on. And the food. Man, it seems like we never stop eating.
Speaking of which, Mark and I have started running together this week. I have to admit that I actually really enjoy running with someone else, although taking a long break is NOT as easy to recover from as one might think. I have big ideas for some upcoming races, but we'll see how those play out. (wink wink Mark!)
Anyway, the farm moves along. Sheep have been sheared, wool has been bagged, first (few) chickens will be ready to eat/freeze next week (Aug. 10th), lambs are ready to ship (finally!), ewes have been bred, organic inspection completed, compost has been turned, hay put in, winter wheat being closely watched, plough is getting ready to go and garden soldiers on.
OH! Please check out the website for the Meet Your Farmer Bike Tours being organized by (who else!) ACORN. There is one in each Maritime Province this summer and it is a brilliant idea. Turns out, Barnyard Organics just HAPPENS to be a stop on the PEI tour and we're so excited. September 4th will see 25 bikes roll into the farm for a tour, snacks, etc. The NS one is full and the NB one is coming right up (Aug 13th) and sounds super good. Worth checking out.
Hope this finds you enjoying every bit of sun that makes its way to you.
congratulations on the fox and on a family filled summer. do you need some bandannas and leathers to fit in with your BIKERS??
ReplyDeleteas i sadi before your garden looks great BUT for the onions!!!!!!!
Great to see a new post....liked the pics too....where's Lucy?!! You KNOW...years from now...she, if she is ANYTHING like her aunts (not this aunt!) will bring up how the others were loved more than her! :)
ReplyDeleteDon't forget your August project between blends.